Our Beliefs


Everyone is a leader. When we say “Nourish the Leader Within You,” we truly mean that all you need do is acknowledge what your capabilities are and find ways to develop them. We focus on three keys: Leaders are Made, not born, The Youngest Generation (Millennials today, Boomers 40-50 years ago) is filled with Leaders, and the power of knowing Who You Are can never be diminished.


Ike and JFK: What made them Giants?

Ike and JFK: What made them Giants?

Nature or Nurture?

Are leaders born or made?  Are people natural leaders?  Can you teach leadership?  Do we change over time?

For every John Kennedy or Dwight Eisenhower, there are countless unsung heroes who have developed their leadership capabilities over time.  In fact, these two presidents are widely known to have developed their skills while in office; Kennedy did this in a relatively short period of time, while Eienhower began in the first World War and developed more skills at a somewhat advanced age, at a time that we say "you can't teach an old dog new tricks."

Leadership is a teachable, trainable skill.  We lead from the front, from the middle, and from behind.  A century of leadership research has made clear one point:  there is no one best style of leadership.

Generations of Balinese Long Tailed Monkeys in the Ubud Monkey Forest, 2009

Generations of Balinese Long Tailed Monkeys in the Ubud Monkey Forest, 2009

Age and Youth

Throughout history, humankind has thought less of the eldest and youngest generations. With some exceptions (Benjamin Franklin for one) the western world has tossed out our elders, ignoring wisdom they could share.

More emphatically, the world has thought less of the youngest generation for millennia. Aristophanes is purported to have said, 2400 years ago, that “children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority, show disrespect for elders, and love chatter in place of exercise.”

We presented “The New Lifestyle Worker” in 1981, our initial effort to guide senior leaders to become more effective with their youthful workforce. We recently found notes from that presentation, discovering that criticisms made of the youthful Baby Boomers in 1981 were nearly identical to what Boomers said of the youth in the 21st century.

Human nature is to challenge the youngest generation, then resist when they show leadership. At the Portland Leadership Institute we reject the nearly universal criticism of the youngest members of our workforce, and focus on improving working relationships across generations.

The Greek Temple at Delphi, 2005

The Greek Temple at Delphi, 2005

Who Are You?

The Who got it right with their great 1978 song and album.  At the Portland Leadership Institute we firmly believe that you must understand yourself before you can lead others effectively.  The ancient Greeks knew this; prior to entering the Temple at Delphi to listen to the wisdom of the Oracle, citizens were admonished to "Know Thyself."  We take this to heart.  We have found the DiSC to be the most effective assessment of one's behavioral style, and use that with our clients.  We provide extensive feedback to them, and encourage teammates to discuss individual behavior and perceptions among themselves.

Most leadership sites attempt to define Leadership

with long flowery theoretical language. 

At the Portland Leadership Institute we prefer to rely on the

famous quote of Justice Potter Stewart: 

"I know it when I see it." 

The Portland Leadership Institute grows leaders 

We'll take who you are today, what you do now,

and work with you to bring out your best.

What are you working on?

Why did you visit us today?  What would you like to develop?  Is the "Generation Gap" challenging you?

  • Are you building a new team?

  • Is it time to take your career to the next level?

  • Do you need HRM solutions to your specific situations?

  • Do you need a current, cutting edge speaker to motivate your group and inspire their thinking?

  • Do you want your next retreat to get started with a bang?

What do you struggle with?

What's not working? 

  • Is the current team challenged as it strives to reach its potential?

  • Do you find that you are not living up to your potential as a leader?

  • Are you wondering what they are saying behind  your back?

We provide leadership and HUman Resource Management solutions

to these and other contemporary management situations


We love working with the DiSC, the original, highly validated instrument, now produced by Wiley. It helps identify what your leadership style (not personality!) is, what your coworkers’ styles are, and how you can become more effective with them. That allows you to achieve the leadership success you desire, and become the leader you know you can become.

In 1981 we presented “The New Lifestyle Worker” to a corporate group at their retreat in Seaside, OR. Little did we know that this would become one of our key areas of expertise over the next four decades. We would like to guide you in working more effectively within the generational groups at your workplace, and present these ideas to you at your next conference.

Who We Are


Alan Cabelly

Founder, Executive Director

Alan Cabelly, Ph. D., SHRM-SCP, SPHR, Founder and Executive Director of the Portland Leadership Institute, has been teaching individuals to lead all his life. He is Professor Emeritus at Portland State University, having taught Human Resource Management from 1980 until his retirement in 2018. He served for many years as Area Director for the Management/ HRM Area, and now continues to teach all aspects of HRM at the executive level,  nationally and internationally.  He is preparing to present at the 2020 SHRM Talent Conference (Orlando, April), the 2020 Alaska SHRM Conference (Anchorage, May), and the 2020 Lab Manager Leadership Summit (Nashville, June).

Prof. Cabelly's doctoral degree is from the University of Washington. His diverse travel experiences (teaching and service in Viet Nam, China, Serbia, Russia, France, Germany, Abu Dhabi; additional travel to Italy, Australia, Egypt, Peru, South Africa, the Czech Republic, Japan, Korea, Bali, Fiji and throughout Europe) allow him to bring unique approaches to his work.  2020 will return him to Abu Dhabi, and bring him to Israel and Poland (including Auschwitz) for the first time. Prof. Cabelly’s prime focus is on Leadership Excellence, using the DiSC system and other contemporary techniques for Executive and Leadership Coaching. 

Alan speaks extensively on 

  • Leadership Styles, Personality, and You: Know Yourself, Understand Others

  • Change Your Perspective on Change

  • Generations in the Workplace

  • Mentoring Millennials:  Microfeedback, Reverse and Group Mentoring, and .....

  • Leadership and Teambuilding

  • Work for the 21st Century

  • The Four Directions of Leadership

  • Contemporary Approaches to Negotiations

  • Using Whole Brain Thinking for Increased Effectiveness.

Prior to his retirement, Prof. Cabelly received the first annual SHRM Advisor Impact Award in 2018.  Additionally, students, alums, and professional associations secretly raised sufficient funds to name a room in the new School of Business after him.  He has been named

  • SHRM Advisor of the Year

  • twice Distinguished Member of NHRMA

  • Human Resources Award of Excellence from the Portland Chapter of NHRMA/SHRM. 

  • The student chapter of SHRM that he advised has earned the Superior Merit Award from SHRM every year from 1983 to his retirement in 2018; they continue to earn this achievement, the longest such consecutive streak in the nation. 

  • He was President of NHRMA in 2000, and has served as Director of the Oregon State Council of SHRM. 

  • He has run 64 marathons and ultramarathons, and once covered 101 miles in 24 hours while earning $1600 for medical research.

Alan was honored by SHRM to receive its first Advisor Impact Award for his continuing effect on students since his Portland State career began in 1980.  Students, alumni, private corporations, and professional associations secretly raised more than $60,000 to name a room for him in the new Karl Miller Center, the School of Business Building.

See Alan’s blog here

Contact Alan at: 


Cell:     503-250-3758              


Jean Benevento

Creative Director and Soul Mentor

2005 was a year of abundant blessings and “ah ha” moments.  It was the year Alan and I married and I traveled to Greece, Peru and China.  I also reclaimed my Italian heritage at that time and changed my name back to Jean Benevento.  For all you Google searchers out there, I was Jean Liston during my 25 years in the Telecom industry.

In the spring of that year, I hiked the sacred mountains of Peru with the Cueros, or medicine people.  Our days were filled with prayer, ceremony and respect.  Respect for each other, for nature and life.  The Cueros were wonderful hosts; they shared all the work, and the highest “ranking” medicine man worked side by side with the “ranch” hands.  They taught us their traditions and shared their food.  In Peru no one goes hungry because everything is shared.

Then in the fall when I traveled to China with Alan I witnessed a different culture’s demonstration of respect.  In China children are taught not to question their elders or those in authority.  Needless to say when Alan tried to engage them in classroom dialogue there was resistance.  So when I spoke to them about performance reviews and negotiations I started by asking them to help me out.  I invited questions and encouraged them to ask about my experiences in Corporate America.   Although I was standing in the front of the class, the place of authority, I removed a barrier when I explained that my success was based on their questions.  This simple act opened a door for a different kind of learning, one based on sharing and mutual respect.

From my first job as a Human Performance Engineer at Bell Laboratories to my last one as a Public Policy Director for Qwest, my position required me to listen to one set of clients and “translate” their message to another set.  Reflecting back on my years in Corporate America, I realize that most of my jobs and most of my successes came from listening to people, meeting them where they were, and treating them with respect.

I now use the title Soul Mentor to describe my work.  Soul Mentor is not a title you will find in Corporate America. A Soul Mentor opens a door so that you can find your path. A Soul Mentor meets you where you are, and creates an opportunity for your personal growth. 

I invite you to join us on a journey to Excellence in Leadership:  uncover what your soul longs for and answer the unique question “What do you want?”

Contact Jean at jean.benevento@comcast.net

Home : 503-248-6809               

Cell:     503-250-3757




Alan Cabelly, Ph.D., SHRM-SCP, SPHR
Executive Director Professor Emeritus, Portland State University

alanc@pdx.edu @alanleads https://www.linkedin.com/in/alancabelly/ 503/250-3758

Jean Benevento, MS Creative Director, Soul Mentor
